Thursday 24 September 2015

How to download latest hollywood movies and tv series from on PC

     Nowadays it is not easy to find a good website to download hollywood movies in HD and in small size without filling surveys. I came across this website some weeks ago, but in this website you cant download movies you can only stream it online but must of us prefer to download it
so that we can watch it over again,to cut the long story short am going to teach you guys on how to download from

1. Open your chrome browser on your PC, open google and search for chrome store as shown in the picture below and click on that chrome web store i circled

2. when the chrome store opens, in the search box, search for video downloader you will see various video downloder but the fourth video downloader among the various is what we need,so click on "add to chrome" but the picture shown below is showing rate it because i have already added to my browser

the video downloader will add their extension to ur chrome browser,when you see something like a tape on your browser that means the video downloader extension is installed as shown below

3.Go to click or search for any movie you want to download,once you click on the movie the movie starts streaming automatically,when the movie starts streaming wait for ten seconds,that tape symbol will change to a green arrow which means ready to download,whem you click on the arrow it will show you waiting for server, as shown in the picture below
4. When you click on the waiting for server an address will popup, copy the address to your internet download manager(idm)  or any download manager you are using and you will start downloading automatically from Your comments are welcomed 

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